BFA Volunteer Opportunities - British Florist Association

BFA Volunteer Opportunities

If you have ever organised an event will know that there’s an awful lot that goes on behind the scenes!

Throughout the year we host and participate in a number of FLORIST SHOWS AND EVENTS. At these show we have volunteer opportunities. This is your chance to roll your sleeves up and get involved? Or if you think you know just the person that would relish this chance please feel free to forward this information onto them!

What would it entail?

Each event generally has a wide range of jobs that need filling, some duties are exciting, such as assisting with demonstrations, but there are plenty of other tasks essential equally as important for the smooth running of the show.

Some tasks would include checking tickets for demonstrations, workshops etc. directing florist delegates where to go to enjoy the exhibition. Showing competitors or workshop attendees to the right places. 

Generally assisting as and when required is really important and is helpful to both the BFA Team and visitors alike. Oh and yes, we do need help with mundane jobs such as tidying up as we go along and on completion of the show.   

Working at consumer facing events, such as gardeners world live with its 95,000 visitors, gives you the opportunity to see the background work that goes into running a big event like this. In this instance tasks would include conditioning flowers, serving customers, promoting the BFA to the consumer and of course a chance to look round the show after the work has been done.

Can anyone get involved?

Volunteers must be members of the BFA Florist business or an IoPF member. 

Is there anything I should know?

  • We usually ask that you wear black trousers –  You’ll be given the use of a BFA polo shirt on arrival at show. We probably don’t need to say flat shoes would be best, as there will be lot of walking involved. 
  • We’re confident that there should be time for our the fabulous volunteers to have a look round the equally fabulous show! 
  • Further details will depend on the individual show, often with finer detail given once you have expressed an interest.

I’m interested, who do I contact?

If you’d like to put your name down as a BFA volunteer, we could then contact you when shows and opportunities arrise. Please contact the BFA event volunteer coordinator Catherine by emailing

We look forward to hearing from you.

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